Executive Report: The labor and educational situation in Latin America in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic

The pandemic caused by the expansion of the COVID-19 coronavirus on a global scale has affected all nations, making a deep impact on the group of countries in Latin America and the Caribbean by directly impinging on deep structural and economic inequalities. The health crisis, the economic recession and the consequences of physical distancing on the social whole have led the region to an unprecedented situation that is juxtaposed with preexisting critical situations at economic and political-social levels. Unemployment and poverty, inequality of access to connectivity and the availability of digital resources and devices, differing situations in housing conditions and home settings, the possibility of having families to support, the confinement of quarantine while working in the same space along with assisting with the education of children in the home, as well as the different working conditions in each country, all impact on the deepening of social and educational inequalities, as well as the precariousness of the conditions of employment in general and of the teaching profession in particular. 

This report, prepared by Education International for Latin America (EILA) contains an analysis of the social, employment and educational situation in the countries of the region and the future of this situation after 2020 in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. The investigation work and the preparation of the final report were carried out by the research teams of the Centro de Investigación y Formación de la República Argentina (CIFRA, Center for Investigation and Training of the Argentine Republic)  belonging to the Central de Trabajadores de la Argentina (CTA, Argentine Workers’ Central Union), the Instituto de Investigaciones “Marina Vilte” (IIPMV, Marina Vilte Research Institute)  belonging to the Confederación de Trabajadores de la Educación de la República Argentina (CTERA, Argentine Republic Education Workers’ Confederation), and the Instituto de Estudio y Capacitación (IEC, Institute for Investigation and Training)  belonging to the Federación Nacional de Docentes Universitarios (CONADU, National Federation of University Teaching Staff). 

Read the full research in Spanish in the following link: 

Tendencias-Situación laboral y educativa de América Latina en el contexto de la pandemia COVID-19. | Internacional de la Educación América Latina (ei-ie-al.org)